I Only Lie When I Love You - Royal Blood | Drum Transcription Notes
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This transcription was originally published on 7/7/20. It was updated on 18/3/21 to include a drum legend.
You’ll want to grab your cowbell for this one. And if you don’t have one, the bell of the ride will do just fine.
A few things to watch out for:
Watch out for the oddly placed crashes throughout this song, such as the one on the 4+ of bar 25.
From bars 34-39 & 72-77 you have a hi-hat part and a cowbell part at the same time. On the recording you’ll hear both parts playing simultaneously and live Ben Thatcher plays a groove combining both parts. Personally I would play as written with my right hand responsible for the cowbell and my left hand playing the hi-hat and snare parts. If you find that too difficult, drop either the cowbell or hi-hat part.
There are a lot of weird offbeat grooves throughout, so take it slow and count!
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